Report on your data, your way.
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Fully Customisable
Build reports and dashboards, format data, change headings and more!
Visualisation built in
Bar charts, line graphs, pie charts, maps, all to complement tables and other data.
Download to CSV
Dump out the data to CSV when ever you need.
Create custom columns and rows
Need to customise the layout? No problem. Add headers, rows and columns. Resize simply by dragging and dropping. The choice is yours!
Tables or graphs? Why not both!
Build custom reports with tables, graphs, stats. Even create pivot tables and review data on your terms.
Each account can create up to 20 custom reports with as much data as you like. If you need more, please ask. Custom reports are available on pro and plus pricing plans.
Custom reports are great, but Allio does a lot more...
Including contacts, we have:
- Quoting
- Invoicing
- Job tracking & job costing
- Safety incidents and forms